Edit menu in photoshop 7.0

Edit menu

Undo(Ctrl+z):- इससे किये गए कार्य को पीछे करने के लिए किया जाता हैं | 

(Open an image on Photoshop either by getting inside the File Menu and choosing the option called Open given there or by hitting CTRL + O on the keyboard.After opening up the picture, hit CTRL + A. As soon as you will strike CTRL +A on the key-board, the entire image will be selected in an instant.Then, inside the Edit Menu as well as select that command named Undo either by clicking on it in the menu or by hitting CTRL + Z on the keyboard.As quickly as that command will be selected, effect of the recently used command for full selection will certainly be eliminated and also the photo will obtain deselected.) 

STEP FORWARD (SHIFT + CTRL + Z):-इस कमांड का उपयोग फ़ोटोशॉप फ़ाइल पर दो या दो से अधिक कमांड के हटाए गए प्रभावों का उपयोग करने के लिए किया जाता है।

(This command is utilized to use back the removed effects of the two or more than 2 commands on Photoshop file.)

STEP BACKWARDS (ALT + CTRL + Z):-इस कमांड का उपयोग फ़ोटोशॉप दस्तावेज़ से एक बार में दो या दो से अधिक हाल ही में लागू आदेशों के प्रभावों को हटाने के लिए किया जाता है।(This Command is used to undo or remove the impacts of both or more than two lately applied commands from the Photoshop document one at a time.)

FADE:-This command could only be used right after using any Tool, Adjustment or Filter

इससे किये गए सिलेक्शन को कट करते हैं |

Copy (Ctrl+C):- इससे हम सेलेक्ट किये गए कार्य को कॉपी करते हैं |

COPY MERGED (SHIFT + CTRL+ C):-इस कमांड का उपयोग एक ही Layer के रूप में सिलेक्शन एरिया के अंदर सभी लेयर के दृश्य भागों की प्रतिलिपि बनाने के लिए किया जाता है।(This command is utilized to copy the visible parts of all the layers inside the selected area in the form of a single layer.)

Paste(Ctrl+V):-इससे cut या copy किये गए कार्य को पेस्ट करते हैं |

Paste Into : इस ऑप्शन का प्रयोग किये गए सिलेक्शन में पेस्ट करने के लिए किय जाता हैं इसका प्रयोग करने के लिए सबसे किसी फोटो को या सिलेक्शन को कॉपी करे फिर जहा paste into करना हैं वहा सिलेक्शन बना के पेस्ट ईंटो कमांड का करें

Clear : clear ऑप्शन से फोटो या टेक्स्ट में जितना एरिया सेलेक्ट करेंगे उतने क्लियर हो जायेगा |

Check Spelling : फोटोशॉप में जो भी हमने लिखा हो उसमे हमें स्पेलिंग चेक करना हो तो इसका प्रयोग करके चेक कर सकते है.

Find And Replace Text : इससे लिखे गए टेक्स्ट में जो भी वर्ड को ढूँढना हैं या बदलना हैं इसका प्रयोग करके बदल सकते हैं |

Fill : This command is utilized to fill any kind of desired strong color or predefined pattern inside the selected layer with preferred level of Opacity. Further through this command you could apply various Blending Modes on the selected strong color or pattern, filled up inside the chosen layer. In case you don't want to fill up color or pattern inside the entire layer, but inside the chosen part of the layer only, you can do so by preserving the transparency of the part of the layer that is not selected at the present time by putting check inside the check box named Preserve Transparency given in the dialogue box named Fill.

Stroke : इस कमांड से हम किसी भी फोटो में बॉर्डर ला सकते है एरिया सेलेक्ट करने के बाद ही ये कमांड प्रयोग होगा | (This option is used to produce outline around the selected area. Through this option you could not only create synopsis around the selected location, however you can set the Width, Color, Location, Blending Mode and Opacity for that summary. Additionally through this option you can make a decision whether the transparency of the chosen layer needs to be preserved or otherwise)

Free Transform : इस ऑप्शन का प्रयोग करके हम किसी टेक्स्ट या फोटो और किये गए सिलेक्शन को छोटा या बड़ा कर सकते हैं | (Through this command you can conveniently re-size any type of selected layer and rotate it in any direction. Even more, while composing with Photoshop, you can Adjustment a totally straight sided object or you could make a totally different object from it by distorting its first features. In addition, after placing any type of layer in the state of totally free Adjustment, you could expand or shorten its upper, lower, right and left sides to provide more natural planning to an item made use of the same layer.)

Transform :इससे हम फोटो को घुमा सकते हैं स्टेप्स नीचे दिया गया हैं | 
Like Free Transform, Transform is likewise made use of to re-size, revolve, skew and misshape any type of item yet the distinction is that transform offers different commands to do all the tasks described above as well as there is left no should use faster way type in case you are not comfy with them. Whenever you put the guideline of your computer mouse on the option called Transform given up the Edit Menu there is appeared another menu consisting of 11 even more options.

Again: This command is used to use previously applied transformations one more time normally on the copy layer.Scale: This command is made use of to re-size any selected layer.Rotate: This command is made use of to turn any type of selected layer in any needed instructions.Skew: This command is used to earn skew any straight sided form.Distort: Through this command you could distort the initial attributes of the form made on the selected layer as well as transform it into an absolutely different form.Perspective: With this command you could expand or shorten any type of side of the selected layer that is just how you could provide an all-natural aim to the picture on the very same layer.Rotate 1800: Via this command you could rotate any chosen layer at the angle of 1800.Rotate 900 Clockwise: Through this command you can rotate the shape or photo made on the selected layer at the angle of 900 clock wise.Rotate 900 Counter Clockwise: This command is utilized to rotate any type of form or photo made on the chosen layer at the angle of 900 counter clockwise.Flip Horizontal: This command is made use of to convert the left side of the chosen layer right into the best side and right side of the selected layer right into the left side.Flip Vertical: This command is used to transform the top of the chosen layer right into all-time low of it as well as bottom of the chosen layer right into its leading.

Define Pattern : इस आदेश के माध्यम से आप ब्रश पिकर मेनू के अंदर नए ब्रश जोड़ सकते हैं।
(Through this command you can add new brush inside the brush picker menu.)

Auto-Align Lyers : इस आदेश के साथ आप पैटर्न पिकर मेनू के अंदर नए पैटर्न शामिल कर सकते हैं।
(With this command you can include new patterns inside the pattern picker menu.)

DEFINE CUSTOM SHAPE:-इस आदेश का उपयोग कलम टूल द्वारा बनाई गई छवियों को व्यक्तिगत कलम मेनू के अंदर एक नए आकार के रूप में जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है।(This command is used to add images created by pen tool as a new shape inside the individual pen menu.)

PURGE:-इस कमांड का उपयोग फ़ोटोशॉप दस्तावेज़ पर कंप्यूटर सिस्टम की स्मृति से पहले लागू किए गए कमांड के दस्तावेज़ को पकड़े हुए अनावश्यक या दूषित दस्तावेज़ों को हटाकर फ़ोटोशॉप को तेज़ी से चलाने के लिए किया जाता है। क्लीनअप के साइड मेनू में चार अलग-अलग कमांड देखे जा सकते हैं जहां आप सभी भ्रष्ट या अनावश्यक डेटा से दूर हो सकते हैं।
This command is utilized to make Photoshop run faster by removing unnecessary or corrupt documents holding the document of formerly applied commands on Photoshop document from the computer system's memory. There can be seen four different commands in the side menu of Cleanup where you could do away with all the corrupt or unnecessary data.
Undo: Via this command you can erase all the files holding the record of the command named Undo.
Clipboard: By choosing the option named Clipboard given in the side menu of Purge you can remove all the data holding the record of the commands called Cut, Copy, Paste and Replicate Merged.
Histories: By choosing the option named Backgrounds given in the side menu of Cleanup, you could erase the record of all the variations made on the presently opened up file. That document can be seen in the History Scheme.
All: Via this command you can erase all type of the files holding the document.

COLOR SETTINGS (CTRL + SHIFT + K):-Via this command you could Adjustment the color setting for your record. When you pick this command given in the Edit Menu, a discussion box called Color Establishing appears. In that discussion box there are meant to be discovered several options for color setup and there is one extremely cool aspect of that discussion box that it has a description pan right below the remainder of the options and also via that summary pan Photoshop defines each item given up that discussion box briefly whenever you put the guideline of your computer mouse on it.

Through this command we can include right into or remove from the relevant menus various Brush styles, Gradient styles, Tools, Custom shapes, Swatches, Styles, Contours as well as Patterns. Further, this command assists you to transform the name of any kind of Tool, Brush, Gradient, Style, Contour or Pattern as well as with this command you can also Adjustment collections of Tools, Brushes, Gradients, Styles, Contours and also Pattern and save them with different names and that is just how we could make our job less complicated as well as much less time consuming.

Preferences : Use full Menu Me sabse jyada use full Preferences hai isase ham isake bare me jyada janne ke liye aap Photoshop mian Preferences ke bare me jane par padh sakte hai

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