For Practice
1. Commenced business with cash 10,000
2. Deposited into bank 5,000
3. Purchased goods for cash 3,000
4. Sold goods for cash 2,500
5. Purchased goods from A on credit 4,000
6. Sold goods to B on credit 4,500
7. Withdraw from bank 3,000
8. Paid A on account 2,000
9. Received from B on account 2,500
10. Took loan from C 5,000
11. Gave loan to D 4,000
12. Paid salary 1,000
13. Cash withdraw from the business for personal use 200
14. Rent paid to E 1,000
02. Rakesh and company
1. Started business with cash Rs. 2,000, Bank Rs. 20,000.
2. Issued cheque for goods purchased Rs. 1,000.
3. Bought goods for cash Rs.8,000.
4. Bought furniture from Anil for cash Rs.100.
5. Bought goods from harish Rs. 1,500.
6. Bought goods from chandan on credit Rs. 5,800.
7. Returned damaged goods to Chandan Rs.800.
8. Bought goods from Naveen and paid by cheque immediately Rs.400.
9. Sold goods to Guptha Rs. 1,000.
10. Received a cheque from Guptha Rs.1,000 for goods sold.
11. Paid commission Rs.2,000.
12. Paid wages by cheque Rs.4,000.
13. Draw cheque for personal use Rs.4,000.
14. Draw cash for personal use from bank Rs.3,000.
15. Receive a cheque from Manju Rs.2,800.
16. Borrow loan from Anands Rs.1,000.
17. Paid Anands Loan with interest Rs.1,000.
03. Haridas and company
1.Started business with cash Rs.10,000,furniture Rs.4,000 and machinery Rs.5,000.
2.Bought goods from Anil on credit Rs. 4,000 and for cash Rs.5,000.3.Sold goods to Rajesh on credit Rs.5,000 and for cash Rs.3,000.4. Bought goods from Arun Subject to trade discount of 2% of Rs.2,000.5. Sold goods to Ramesh subject to trade discount of 5% of Rs.4,000.6. Paid salary Rs.1,000, printing Rs.150 and wages rs.100.7.Received rent Rs.500, commission Rs.400.8. Received a cheque from Ganesh Rs.1,000.
04. Roa and company
Particulars Rs.
1. Bought goods for cash 2,500
2. Bought office furniture for cash 500
3. Paid for postage 10
4. Purchased goods from Rajkamal 2,000
5. Sold goods for cash 150
6. Bought goods from Rahim 400
7. Sold goods to Suresh 400
8. Sold goods to Nayak 250
9. Purchased goods for cash 400
10. Recevied cash from Nayak 200
11. Paid cash to Rahim 50
12. Returned goods to Ralkamal 200
13. Suresh returned goods 50
14. Paid salary 150
15. Sold goods for cash 500
16. Rao withdraw for his personel use 800
17. Paid for stationery 100
18. Paid rent 50
19. Received commission 225
1. Commenced business with cash Rs.10, 000.
2. Deposit into bank Rs. 15,000
3. Bought office furniture Rs.3,000
4. Soled goods for cash Rs.2,500
5. Purchased goods form Mr X on credit Rs.2,000
6. Soled goods to Mr Y on credit Rs.3,000
7. Received cash form Mr. Y on account Rs.2,000
8. Paid cash to Mr X Rs. 1,000
9. Received commission Rs. 50
10. Received interest on bank deposit Rs. 100
11. Paid into bank Rs. 1,000
12. Paid for advertisement Rs.500
13. Purchased goods for cash Rs. 800
14. Sold goods for cash Rs. 1,500
15. Paid salary Rs. 500