1G - First Generation
2.5G - Second and a half generation
2G - Second Generation
3G - Third Generation
3GPP - 3rd Generation Partnership Project
3GPP2 - 3rd Generation Partnership Project
4G - Fourth Generation
AAA - Authentication Authorization, Account
ACC - Analog Control Channel
AMPS - Advanced Mobile Phone Service
AUC - Authentication Center
BC - Billing Center
BCH - Broadcast Channel
BER - Bit Error Rate
BS - Base Station
BSC - Base Station Controller
BTS - Base Transceiver Station
CBR - Constant Bit Rate
CDG - CDMA Development Group
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access
CDMA2000 - Code Division Multiple Access…
CDR - Call Detail Record
CN - Core Network
D/R - Distance to Reuse Ratio
DAMPS - Digital Advance Mobile Phone Service
DCC - Digital Color Code
DTA - Data Transfer Adapter
DTC - Digital Traffic Channel
EDGE - Enhanced Data for Global Evolution
EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
EIR - Equipment Identity Register
ESMR - Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio
ETACS - Extended TACS
ETDMA - Extended Time Division Multiple Access
FDD - Frequency Division Duplex
FDM - Frequency Division Multiplexing
FDMA - Frequency Division Multiple Access
FM - Frequency Modulation
FSK - Frequency Shift Keying
FTMD - Full Track Music Download
GGSN - Gateway GPRS Support Node
GMSC - Gateway Mobile Switching Center
GMSK - Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
GPRS - General Packet Radio Service
GPS - Global Positioning System
GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication
GSN - GPRS Support Node
HLR - Home Location Register
IC - Interchange Carrier
iDEN - Integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network
IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity
ITU - International Telecommunication Union

IVRS - Interactive Voice Response System

IWF – Inter Working Function
LBS - Location-Based Services
LMR - Land Mobile Radio
MC - Message Center

MC – Multi Carrier Mode
MCS - Mobile Cellular System
ME - Mobile Equipment
MIN - Mobile Identification Number
MIRS - Motorola Integrated Radio system
MSC - Mobile Station Class
MSC - Mobile Switching Center
MTS - Mobile Telephone Service
NAMPS - Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone Service
NMT - Nordic Mobile Telephone
NPDB - Number Portability Database
NTACS - Narrowband Total Access Communication Service
PAD - Packet Assembler And Disassembler
PCM - Pulse Coded Modulation
PCN - Personal Communications Network
PCS - Personal Communication Services
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
PDC - Personal Digital Cellular
PDSN - Packet Data Switched Network
PM - phase modulation
PM - pulse modulation
PN - Packet Number
PN - pseudorandom noise
PPDN - Public Packet Data Network
PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network
PTT - Post Telephone and Telegraph
PTT - Push to Talk

QoS - Quality of Service
RAN - Radio Access Network
RNC - Radio Network Controller
SCH - Synchronization Channel
SDMA - Spatial Division Multiple Access
SGSN - Serving GPRS Support Node

SIM - Subscriber Identity Module
SIS - Subscriber Identity Security
SMS - Short Message Service
SMSC - Short Message Service Center
TACS - Total Access Communications System
TCH - traffic channel
TD-SCDMA - Time Division Synchronous Cod…
TDD - Time Division Duplex
TDMA - Time Division Multiple Access

TFT - Thin Film Transistor

TIA - Telecommunications Industry Association
UE - User Equipment
UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
UPR - User Performance Requirements
USB - Universal Serial Bus
VLR - Visitor Location Register
VMS - Voice Mail System
WCDMA - Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network

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